Shropshire Star

Childhood friends collaborate half a century later on new book

When Julian Bound and Ann Lachieze played together as children they could never have dreamt that almost half a century later they would be collaborating together to publish a book.

The Little Monk who lives his Noodles

The children's story book on Buddhism, The Little Monk who loved his Noodles has been written by Julian, from Oswestry, and illustrated by Ann.

It is a picture story book for children exploring the Buddhist foundations of meditation, reincarnation, attachment, impermanence, karma and compassion.

Ann and Julian

Mr Bound, is a documentary photographer, National Geographic contributor, and author who has returned to Shropshire after spending 10 years living in Asia and South East Asia documenting Buddhism.

He photographed the Tibetan communities of Nepal and India, and has worked as a photographer for various international embassies in conjunction with the United Nations.

Julian, centre, and Ann on the right playing as children

"In India in the December of 2019 I met with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama where I presented one of my books on Buddhism," he said.

"Ann and I have been friends since the age of two years old, we are now both 50."

Julian Bound meets the Dalai Lama

Ann is a British artist and illustrator who has spent 30 years living in Provence, France. As a mother of three, she says she has had the joy of reading many books to her children, learning along the way how illustrations can bring a story to life.

The children's book, available here, soon to be translated into French.

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