Shropshire Star

Apply for green funding North Shropshire groups are told

Groups across North Shropshire involved in nature/conservation are being urged to consider applying for the latest round of Government's £40 million Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

Last updated
Owen Paterson MP

Conservation, restoration and 'connecting people with nature' are all targets of the fund.

North Shropshire MP, Owen Paterson, said there were many interesting groups and organisations across the area that would have projects that would fit with the aims of the fund.

Grants of up to £2 million each are now available to help the nation build back greener from the coronavirus pandemic, the government announced this week.

Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, said: "The pandemic has exposed a great hunger for green spaces as both sanctuary and escape. This fund is an opportunity for environmental groups to support jobs that restore nature and prepare for climate shocks like floods and heatwaves. As the country moves out of lockdown, fostering skills in the economy that improve the environment will help the UK build back better, faster and greener."

For grants of over £250,000, applicants must submit an expression of interest by March 22 and if successful will be invited to submit a full application. The deadline for applications under £250,000 is April 14.

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