Shropshire Star

Plans for 30 homes submitted to council

New plans have been lodged for more than 30 houses to be built in a north Shropshire village, after previous planning approval lapsed.

Last updated
Shropshire Council will make a decision on the plan.

The proposals for the site off Aspen Grange in Weston Rhyn closely resemble an earlier scheme granted approval in 2017.

The land is allocated for around 25 houses in Shropshire Council’s adopted development plan, and the allocation is proposed to be carried forward into the new local plan when it is adopted next year.

Mirroring the previous plans, the new application is for 32 homes and public open space.

The exact layout of the development and size and style of the properties will be set out in a later application.

A planning statement by Berrys, agent to the landowner Mr M Richardson, says: “The proposal is for residential development on an allocated housing site in the settlement of Weston Rhyn, a focus for development within this area of Shropshire.

“The development proposal will therefore contribute to the local and national housing supply, by supporting housing targets.

“The scheme will also contribute to the local economy through increased custom for local businesses and will create additional jobs during the construction phase of the scheme.

“The development proposal will make an important contribution to the local and national housing supply and introduce additional variety and choice in the area’s housing stock.

“The appropriate level of affordable housing will be provided.


“The proposal therefore supports community life by improving the range of housing available to meet the needs of local people.

“The additional dwellings will help contribute to the critical mass necessary to sustain local services and facilities, thereby supporting and enhancing the sustainability of the settlement.

“The area of the site proposed for development is unconstrained and the development will make best use of the land, ensuring that new housing development is directed to a highly sustainable location.

“The proposed development will therefore ensure that natural resources are used prudently and that pollution is minimised.”

The application will be decided by Shropshire Council.