Shropshire Star

Stage version of The Davinci Code comes to Theatr Clwyd, Mold

The best-selling novel that captivated the world and sold over 100 million copies is now a stage thriller coming to Theatr Clwyd at Mold.

Danny John-Jules in The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code, will be on the stage at the North Wales theatre from February 14-19.

The first ever stage adaptation of Dan Brown’s best-selling thriller, the play stars Nigel Harman as Robert Langdon, Danny John-Jules as Sir Leigh Teabing, Hannah Rose Caton as Sophie Neveu and Joshua Lacy as Silas.

Danny, most recently known for his role in Death in Paradise, said Sir Leigh Teabing was a huge character.

"I’d describe him as a puppet-master. You’re not supposed to be able to work him out but he’s one of these eccentric millionaires we’ve seen living in big houses who are pretty much just waiting for someone to come round and visit them."

"With any book that has sold 80 million copies so many people already know the story, they know the movie when the character was played by Sir Ian McKellan and they know the character and that to me is the challenge - to bring him to life in my own way."

He said the play is set in present day.

"What you’ve got to remember is the book came out nearly 20 years ago and a lot of things have changed. For example, when the book was written the SmartCar was a phenomenon and that no longer applies because the play is set in the present day and Sir Leigh Teabing is a very different guy because it’s a very different world."

"The fascinating thing about doing this play is that the questions it raises will never be answered. It’s what keeps the wheels of religion turning because nobody has the answers and if that’s the case all people are doing is arguing their own opinions. The Da Vinci Code invites you to listen, decipher and try and make your mind up but I guarantee you every single person who walks out of that theatre will not be able to fully make up their minds."

The Da Vinci Code will be performed at Theatr Clwyd from Monday 14 February – Saturday 19 February. Tickets are from £26. Booking available at Theatr Clwyd’s website or by calling 01352 344101.

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