Shropshire Star

Council considering free Oswestry town buses on Saturdays after Christmas success

Buses could be made free in a town on Saturdays in a bid to get more people using public transport.

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Oswestry Town Council is to consider making buses in the town free on Saturdays

Oswestry Town Council has agreed to look into the idea following the success of the free bus service put on in the run-up to Christmas.

Councillors heard 83 people had taken advantage of the offer across the three Saturdays it ran for, at a cost to the council of £151. This was on top of £200 for publicity, bringing the total cost to £351.

It was the first time bus travel was made free in an effort to boost festive trade, and ran alongside the free car parking offered each year on the same dates.

Councillor Duncan Kerr said: “I think this is an amazing thing to have done.

“It’s very important for us that we equalise the situation for people who haven’t got a car or choose to use the bus, and this is a great incentive.”

Councillor Kerr proposed asking the clerk to prepare a report on the possibility of extending the scheme to make the town bus service free every Saturday throughout the year.

He said: “I think that would be a very bold step in terms of making it possible and feasible for people to use bus transport.”

Councillor Mike Isherwood said the move would help ease the pressure put on the town’s car parks during events like the balloon carnival and food festival.

He said: “People within the town who might drive in could hop on the bus instead, so I will second Councillor Kerr’s proposal but can I amend it to include any event that doesn’t fall on a Saturday where this scheme would be beneficial.

“It would be for town council events initially but we could look at other events on a case-by-case basis.”

A report to councillors by clerk Arren Roberts also highlighted the success of the free night bus funded by Oswestry Business Improvement District (BID) over the festive period.

Councillor Sam Chadwick said the council should consider the possibility of extending the proposed free bus offer into the evening, to help address a shortage of taxis and improve public safety.

A report on the proposals will be presented at a future meeting before councillors decide whether to progress with the initiative.

The council has set aside a £25,000 budget for sustainable transport projects in 2022/23, which could be used to fund the scheme.