Shropshire Star

Climate change activists from Shropshire head to London

More than 30 activists from Oswestry and Shrewsbury areas are travelling to London as part of a nine-day protest to demand the UK Government takes climate change seriously.

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A climate protest by Extinction Rebellion in Shrewsbury last year

They are part of a group of more than 70 activists who are travelling from all over Wales and the borders to the daily protests in Hyde Park, London, from Saturday at 10am in Hyde Park.

Members of the group say they will be “impossible to ignore.”

The large-scale Extinction Rebellion action will target the fossil fuel economy and demand the government ends new investments and subsidies.

Dawn Meadows a retiree from Oswestry said, “As our planet passes multiple tipping points we are seeing denial and delay. We must end fossil fuels, and switch to renewables, especially as we have seen how dependent we are on inhumane regimes like Russia, when we could be creating our own wind and solar energy here in the UK.”

She said a damning report by the United Nations last month found that the world has a “brief and rapidly” closing window to adapt to climate change. The latest report by the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change describes how rising temperatures and extreme weather are a threat to human wellbeing and the planet, and calls for urgent, transformative action to secure our future.ed,

“We’re expecting huge numbers of activists from all over the UK and in the tradition of non-violent civil disobedience, we will disrupt business as usual until the Government and big business make change. We need everyone to join us - we’ll be easy to find in Hyde Park with our big Welsh flag and we’re inviting everyone to come along and join our friendly group, even if it’s just for a day.”

Extinction rebelling said nonviolent action will demand the government ends new fossil fuel investment and licences, and to put the tax-payers money which currently subsidises fossil fuels, into wind, tidal and solar subsidies instead.

Jonathan Lill of Oswestry, a stain glass artisan, said: “Our government is choosing to allow this cost of living crisis to happen to the British people, just like they are choosing to stay on fossil fuels. Citizens’ Advice predicts that one in four people in this country won’t be able to afford their energy bills by October. I am taking time away from my work as continuing life as normal is no longer an option. The IPPC report states that unless action is taken the climate will rise by 3.2 degrees, which will make life as we know it a thing of the past”.

Oswestry Extinction Rebellion say that anyone who is interested in joining them in London, or joining a local group, can get in touch with them via social media or email