Shropshire Star

Providing more for young people in Oswestry is the focus of town meeting

Councils and organisations in Oswestry have pledged to work together to ensure there is more for young people to do in the town.

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BORDER COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR JAMIE RICKETTS 26/03/2022 - The new 2022/2023 Mayor of Oswestry Cllr Jay Moore, pictured at his home with his family ahead of her term as Mayor of Oswestry..

The town council is already looking at the possibility of providing a new skatepark for teenagers and there are hopes that The Centre, once a lively youth hub, could have a brighter future ahead.

At the annual town meeting held at The Marches School, councillors and members of several groups discussed what facilities there already were in Oswestry and what is missing.

Deputy mayor, Councillor Jay Moore, said the constant cutting of funding for youth services over the past decade that seen many activites lost in the town, including projects at The Centre and the closure of the once busy Oswestry Youth Cafe and the Kingswell Centre.

"We can't look back at what we once had, we have to look to the future," he said.

Councillor Duncan Kerr said negotiations were underway over how The Centre in Oak Street, could be better utilised.

One project being looked at is the potential of a skatepark, possibly on land next to Morrisons.

The meeting was told of a popular youth hub in Jubilee Park, Whitchurch, where youngsters could congregate. The hub not only has wifi but also static bikes which when used can recharge mobile phones.

Gill Jones from the TNS football club community foundation told of the work the foundation is involved in in Oswestry and there were suggestions that free bus travel could be put on to allow young people to watch football matches and get more involved with the club.

Jess Williams, from the SYS youth organisation, said it was also involved in projects in the town.

Those at the meeting said there were a wide variety of groups that young people could get involved in and said it was important to ensure there was something to offer to all young people, whether sports, the arts, music and others.

Councillor Jonathon Upton suggested asking the CIC Os Nosh to work with young people and also suggested that many young people would enjoy getting involved in growing food.

The meeting agreed that there should be a youth partnership set up.