Shropshire Star

Floral treat for visitors to market town

Drivers will notice a new edition to Oswestry’s floral displays this year.

The colourful traffic island

The roundabout on the Shrewsbury Road into the town at the junction for College Road and the Morrison's store has been planted with flowers.

The initiative by Oswestry Business Improvement District is bringing a welcoming splash of colour to the busy town route.

BID Manager, Adele Nightingale said: "We’re so pleased to see this come to fruition. It’s been great to work together with Morrison’s, who kindly gave their permission to go ahead. Local company Evans Aggregates, provided the essential top soil and Oswestry in Bloom volunteers did a superb job in the design and planting up. We are grateful to everyone for their enthusiasm and support. It has been a real local team effort.

The project is now looking to plant flowering shrubs and annuals on the roundabout in Autumn, in the hope that local people and visitors to Oswestry can enjoying a colourful display all year round.

Heart of England in Bloom judges are expected to visit Oswestry later this month and are expected to see the display on their way into the town.

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