Shropshire Star

Canal restoration continues – with push for volunteers as project approaches end

More progress has been made on efforts to restore a major canal thanks to volunteers.

Work on the Montgomery Canal restoration project continued at the weekend

The Shropshire Union Canal Society has confirmed the latest work on the Montgomery Canal restoration project – with more than 3,000 building blocks put in place over the weekend.

The current project, is to extend the channel from Pryce's Bridge to Crickheath Winding Hole.

The blocks were put down on top of blankets of waterproof lining material to weight them down – resulting in a further fifty meters of completed canal channel.

The pressure is now on to meet the end of October deadline for completion, with a fresh call going out for volunteers to help.

During the latest work detailed efforts were made to bring the top edge into line, with a hefty session of angle grinding.

The Heritage Lottery Fund support that has financed the project will end in October, hence the need to complete all work by the end of that date.

The weekend's efforts saw the final few metres of untreated channel shaped to the precise angle, so the next work party will see a change of emphasis, with lining and blocking continuing to cover the last 60 metre section.

Stone riprap and soil will also be added to a hundred meters of lining material between the top of the blocking and the towpath edge, using power barrows to transport the material.

Riprap is put down at water level to break up the wash from passing boats and prevent erosion.

A spokesman said: "We have benefitted recently with new volunteers coming along, but we would really welcome more for the six work parties to be held in August, September and October when work will begin in earnest to put down 300 metres of wooden edging, to frame the re-surfacing of the towpath."

The efforts of volunteers have been praised by North Shropshire MP, Helen Morgan, who said: "It’s great to see this worthwhile project progressing and everyone involved deserves a big round of applause.

“There is still plenty to be done so if you’ve got any spare time then please do pop down and help out the team at one of the work parties in the coming months.

“The end result will look fantastic and will be a big boost for North Shropshire and the wider region. Well done to all of the volunteers.”

Anyone interested in volunteering can visit for details of dates and contacts.

Advanced planning is taking place, for the group's next project beyond Crickheath Bridge which will begin in 2023.

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