Activity sessions at OsNosh

The Oswestry Community kitchen, Osnosh, has launched a programme of activity sessions for Fridays.

BORDER COPYRIGHT STEVE LEATH SHROPSHIRE STAR 14/07/2021..Pic in Oswestry at 'The Centre', where Os Nosh are based. They help people who are struggling to feed themselves and the family. There food share side of the project is now back open up and running. L-R: Phoebe Shaw, Donna Murdoch and Steve Jones, helping out..

The not for profit community venture is based at The Centre in Oak Street and has a Wednesday food share table and lunch, Thursday "More than Meals on Wheels" in conjunction with Dial a Ride and open mornings every Friday.

Friday activities range from gardening talks and tips to crafts as well as movement classes for all abilities.

"We hope people will come along and enjoy our community. Osnosh events are open to all," a spokesperson said.