Cycle Hub could provide fleet of bikes for market town

A Cycle Hub could provide a fleet of bikes available for local residents to enjoy.

SOUTH COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR STEVE LEATH 16/03/2022..Pic in Oswestry where the Shropshire Cycle Hub, are launching there Rickshaw service. Riding the bike is: Oswestry Cycle Hub Manager: Chris Jennings and in the seat is Deputy mayor: Jay Moore, and on some with him is also Adele Nightingale (Oswestry BID Manager)..

The Oswestry Cycle Hub was launched with a Rickshaw Service around the town.

Since then it has grown to provide other initiatives from bike maintenance to an over 50s cycling group.

Now it is looking at developing a fleet of bikes.

In a report to Oswestry Town Council, the Cycle Hub says the bikes would be maintained and made available to local residents to help them adopt cycling for transport and leisure.

"This is a pilot for a community bike hire and loan scheme, free to those in need and with training and support to remove the barriers to cycling," the report says.

The rickshaw is being used for four main categories, the experience, functional journeys, deliveries and tourism.

"The emphasis has been on providing the residents of Oswestry the ability to use the rickshaw for short journeys to offer an active travel service and help to improve the environment of the town centre.

"To date functional journeys are the most popular use of the rickshaw service Following local initiatives it is hoped that we will start to see an uplift in the use for deliveries."

Oswestry town crier, Phil Brown, has also been using the rickshaw once a week to promote events in the town.

In addition an over 50s cycling project is up and running with 32 participants and a waiting list.

Cycle shop Mule has also been involved in joint events.

The report said that more than 60 bikes donated by local residents are now ready for restoration and sale.

There have been financial donations of £275, which are starting to increase with regular customers.

One of the longer term goals is to provide a fleet of rickshaws for the town.