Shropshire Star

Young fundraiser, Theo, receives mayoral award

A ten-year-old received a coveted mayor's award, after raising funds to help a fellow pupil at school.

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Theo Lewis-Prior receives his award from Oswestry Mayor Jay Moore

Theo Lewis-Prior challenged Oswestry Mayor, Councillor Jay Moore, to join him on a hike up Snowdon to help boost the funds and Councillor Moore hastily re-jigged his diary to join the young walker and his family on the mountain.

At his civic dinner on Saturday the mayor awarded Theo a community champion trophy.

He said: "Theo heard about a young boy who had been struggling with a rare eating disorder and wanted to help. He started with a bake sale in school which raised over £500 and, not content with that, he got his mum to agree to be drenched on camera if he hit his next target.

"He then turned his eyes to the biggest mountain in Wales and challenged me to join him at the summit if his fundraising target hit £1,200. All because one man saw another struggling and wanted to step in and help."

Theo said he was proud and surprised to have received the award.

Other civic awards presented on the night included the organisers of the Oswestry Balloon Carnival, Lorna Hankey and Lee Hooper from Spirit Group.

"They have given a massive amount of their time to our town," Councillor Moore said.

"The Balloon Carnival is undoubtedly our largest and most successful event of the year."

Photographer, Graham Mitchell, known as "Grum" received an award for promoting Oswestry and capturing the feel and positivity of the area and sharing it far and wide.

And local business Niche Pattiserie received an award for helping others in the community and creating an experience that draws people to the town.

Earlier in the year, community champion awards were given to the family of the late Geoff Moore, Gary and Kelly Clarke, Lenny Worthington and the Connect for Life Team.