Shropshire Star

Shropshire Council to be asked to approve solar array on county farm

A council will be asked to approve plans for a solar array on a county farm.

Solar panels

The proposal has been submitted to Shropshire Council and asks for permission to build a 1,108 kw ground-mounted solar array at Tramway Farm in Crickheath.

The application says that the solar array would take around six weeks to build, and that no upgrade is required to connect to the grid.

The site will connect to the existing on-site infrastructure.

Another solar panels application relates to Bourton Hall Farmhouse, at Bourton, near Much Wenlock,

The proposal asks for permission to add the panels to the stable block at the site.

Meanwhile a popular pub has put in a request for permission to add fresh signage to its premises. The Three Tuns Inn in Bishop’s Castle is asking for approval for a number of new signs, to be added to the building on Salop Street.

A number of homes could be built on land next to a South Shropshire farm.

The proposal, which will be considered by Shropshire Council planning officers requests permission to build 40 homes on land next to Lineage Farm in Burford.

The proposal also includes access for vehicles and cycles. The access for cars will be off the northern site boundary off the A456.

Homes could also be built on a former builders yard if proposals are given the green lights.

The plans, for four homes would be at the former builder’s yard at Red Barn Lane in Shrewsbury.

A plan for a summer pavilion has also been submitted.

The proposal, for Ackleton House, at Ackleton, Bridgnorth, also requires listed building consent.

A proposal has also been submitted to demolish and remove “a poorly designed conservatory extension”.

The application is for Ercall House at Morville, Bridgnorth, and suggests replacing it with a “sensitively designed structure that will provide a new space with the same purpose as the existing structure”.