Shropshire Star

Police confirm death of pedestrian after A5 closed in both directions near Oswestry

A man in his 30s has died after being hit by a car on the A5 in the early hours of Sunday morning.

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A man died on the A5 near Oswestry

The incident on the Oswestry bypass between the Mile End Roundabout with the A483 and Whittinghton Roundabout with the A495 occurred at around 5.10am.

The road was shut in both directions for several hours before it was reopened at around 11am.

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said they are appealing for witnesses following the fatal collision between a car and a pedestrian between Mile End and Whittington. Despite the best efforts of emergency services, the man was pronounced dead at the scene.

PC Steve Wootton from the force's Serious Collision Investigation Unit said: ‘‘Our thoughts are with the man’s family at this sad time. I would like to appeal for any witnesses to the collision to come forward or anyone who was passing through the area around 5.10 Sunday morning who may have dash-cam footage’’.

A spokesperson for West Midlands Ambulance Service said they were called at 5.08am.

"Two ambulances and a paramedic officer attended the scene. Upon arrival we found a man who was the pedestrian. He had sustained life threatening injuries," the spokesperson said. "Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of ambulance staff it became clear that nothing more could be done to save him and he was confirmed deceased at the scene. The driver of the car did not require treatment.”

Anybody with information is urged to contact West Mercia Police either directly or anonymously with the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

PC Wootton can be reached on 101 extension 7702273

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