Shropshire Star

West Mercia Police changes could impact on local government-run CCTV systems

West Mercia Police is making changes to the way it works with local government-run CCTV systems.

Last updated
Oswestry's CCTV control centre

The force says it wants to ensure that it is no longer always the first point of contact for incidents seen on CCTV when it may be better to contact other emergency services instead.

And it is recalling the police radios that have in the past been used in the CCTV control rooms.

One of the CCTV systems affected will be the award-winning volunteer scheme in Oswestry run in conjunction with the town council and with recent funding from Oswestry BID.

The town council will meet on Wednesday at the Guildhall to discuss the changes with councillors considering whether to make representations to the Police and Crime Commissioner over any concerns.

West Mercia Police says a new Memorandum of Understanding is being created to harmonise the contact between West Mercia and the five local government CCTV operators.

A report to Oswestry Town Council says that West Mercia Police has recently implemented a change to process which means that calls for service are appropriately screened at the first point of contact to determine whether the police service is the most appropriate agency to respond to that incident.

"West Mercia Police are keen to support and encourage local government CCTV operators to assess all incidents and avoid directing a call to the police service where another agency is better placed to respond and where their attendance would be expedited if they were called directly," the report says.

"This is particularly relevant for calls relating to a person requiring medical support where a direct call by the CCTV operator to the ambulance service will allow an enhanced triage and an improved response.

The force says: "To ensure that the most appropriate response is given to any call for service from a CCTV operator who is calling West Mercia Police in response to an incident they are aware of, they will need to contact West Mercia Police via 999/101. This route will allow for the relevant information to be captured by a trained individual who will be solely focused on obtaining that information."

"CCTV operators should not contact the police service with the expectation that we will contact other agencies as required. As an example, where an incident that involves a medical emergency is witnessed, the CCTV operator should contact the ambulance service directly."

Councillors will also hear that CCTV operators will no longer routinely be allowed access to police radios. These will be collated back by West Mercia Police. Should it be deemed necessary by the CCTV operators that direct access to the police radio channels is required for a specific purpose, such as a planned demonstration, then a request can be made to the force."

Oswestry's CCTV system was opened in 2001. It was extended more recently to take in the town's industrial estate and some town centre blind spots.