Shropshire Star

Tackling environmental issues is top of the agenda at Oswestry community meeting

A community meeting has been called in Oswestry to tackle the problems of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Last updated
Oswestry Town Council planted nearly 2,000 tree saplings to create new hedging at Gateacre Playing Fields and around Woodside School. Pupils Jack Griffiths, seven, and Poppy Brain, seven, helped with the planting

Oswestry Town Council is hosting a community meeting focused on the environment on Tuesday, November 28, at Hope Church, Market Gate.

Hope Church is next to Oswestry’s Central car park and has disabled access and toilets. The meeting starts at 7pm and will draw to a close at 9pm.

The council said the idea of the meeting was to discuss how Oswestry’s organisations and individuals can better tackle the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity net loss. The event is open to all residents, local associations, businesses and stakeholders with an interest to share insights and support collaboration.

Town mayor Councillor Olly Rose said: “This forms part of the council’s priority for a carbon neutral Oswestry. The council has initiated a number of environmental initiatives in recent years including planting 7,000 trees, installing solar panels on the market roof and electric vehicle charger points in car parks.

"We’ve also implemented bee friendly planting in our parks, supported Oswestry in Bloom, organised community litter picks and funded free bus travel on Saturday town services.

“The environment is at the heart of the council’s strategy. This meeting will allow partners and residents the opportunity to share what the key issues are and identify interventions and initiatives that will help us to tackle the twin crisis of climate change and biodiversity net loss.

"We want to focus on Oswestry’s many positives and strengths and work together to support and develop new ideas to tackle this important issue.”