Shropshire Star

'More and more dangerous': Residents' traffic fear over plans for 61 new homes in field near village

Fears of increased traffic through an area already seen as dangerous are at the heart of opposition to proposals for 61 new homes near a small Shropshire village.

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Residents have been responding to plans for Whittington, near Oswestry, that were lodged with Shropshire Council last month.

If approved, the plans would see 61 new homes built at the 55-hectare site off the B5009 on the eastern edge of the village.

The development would comprise two one-bedroom homes, 21 two-bedroom homes, 24 three-bedroom homes and 14 with four or more bedrooms.

However, some residents have raised concerns about the impact the development would have on the small village.

Photo: Shingler Homes Ltd

While some have expressed their worries about the impact on their house prices and the disruption caused by the building of the new properties, all four objectors have listed traffic as a major concern.

One resident, Ms Jones, said that traffic in and through Whittington was already becoming "more and more dangerous", and claimed one local mother had already stopped walking her children to school because it had become so dangerous.

Other residents agreed, with Mrs Cox writing: "The main road entrance to the proposed site is off an already congested area with junctions to other developments and also the main junction onto the A495 Station Road/Oswestry Road.

Photo: Shingler Homes Ltd

"Traffic uses this junction 24 hours a day with large lorries going past regularly. The area has no crossing for pedestrians to get to the shops. There is inadequate provision for wheelchair users due to the narrow footpaths in that part of the village.

"Some of these houses are designated as family homes - so with children in mind. The main road is far too dangerous for children to cross alone."

Another respondent, Mrs Reid, said: "The proposed additional housing development would also increase traffic numbers through the village which is already very busy, especially in the rush hours and school morning and tea times."

Mrs Wade argued that the plans should come with a "much-needed traffic calming measure" after the "traffic volumes and speed of vehicles entering and leaving the village on the B5009 have significantly increased" in recent years.

The full plans are available to view online, at Shropshire Council's planning portal using reference number 24/02260/FUL.