Shropshire Star

Brownies raise money for charity for the sight impaired

Brownies in Ellesmere have raised awareness of and funds for the RNIB charity for those with sight problems by collecting used stamps.

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Grace Davies one of the brownies to organise the appeal

The 2nd Ellesmere Brownies say they were helped by the local community and schools, members of which donated stamps to their appeal.

Four of the Brownies launched an appeal for used stamps as part of their Gold achievement award.

The appeal saw six kilos of stamps donated which raised £120 for the charity, plus a £20 donations.

Caroline Ford for the Brownie Pack praised the four Brownies for their hard work and achieving their Gold award.

"We look forward to viewing their Gold presentations of all they have achieved at Brownies as they prepare to move up to Guides.

" If you would like to join us please register on"

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