Shropshire Star

Ellesmere named one of the best places to live in the Midlands

A Shropshire town has been named one of the best eight places to live in the Midlands.

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St Mary's Church, Ellesmere

Ellesmere was named in The Sunday Times best places to live guide.

And residents have whole-heartedly agreed with the accolade.

The Sunday Times’s judges assessed a wide range of factors, from schools, transport and broadband to culture, green spaces and the health of the high street for their decision.

In the guide, the judges look to celebrate improving towns, villages or city centres; attractive, well-designed homes and locations bursting with community spirit – which they say the pandemic has shown to be the most vital quality of all.

Their report on Ellesmere said: "The opportunities for swimming, sailing and fishing in the meres that give Ellesmere its name are a bonus so far from the sea. But this unsung Shropshire town offers rural living at its best, with fantastic local food, beautiful countryside, a friendly community and some very attractive houses."

Sunrise over the mere

Guide sponsor, Halifax, says the Average house price in the town is £258,000 with the growth since 2020, 19 per cent.

Overall winner in the Midlands was Uppingham, Rutland.

Helen Davies, The Times and Sunday Times Property Editor said: “The Sunday Times Best Places to Live list is necessarily subjective. Leave it just to statistics and you will never capture the spirit of a place. For that, you need to visit to take into account that ‘you have to be here’ feeling. Is the pub dog-friendly, for example? Can you live car-free? What are the schools and houses like? Is it multicultural and multigenerational, and can it offer a good way of life to lots of different sorts of people?

The people of Ellesmere have echoed that their town was one of the best places to live.

Many talked about the beautiful walks, the meres and canal, while others praised the range of independent shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants.

Ellesmere's Canal

However it was the community and the range of groups and organisations that most praised. Residents say there is a full range of sporting organisations and arts groups with Edward Bevan saying: "We have a wonderful range of community activities and groups. There's something for everyone, whether it be sports, arts, gardening or walking for example."

The people of Ellesmere made the town, many said.

Al and Tracey Osbourne said they had a very personal reason to be grateful to live in Ellesmere.

Al said: "The support we received from the people of Ellesmere after our personal tragedy - the loss of our son - shouldn't be underestimated. I suppose you only really find the true character of a place and its people when you experience adversity. The community around us were fantastic in their support, and we're eternally grateful. We now wouldn't live anywhere else."

Christie Kros, who was herself brought up in Ellesmere said it was a lovely and safe place to bring up her children.

Alison Utting, who moved to the town nine years ago this week, said: "I don't know if it's the beautiful landscape that draws certain people or whether the Ellesmere magic works on whoever arrives - but what I love is the kindness, friendliness and creativity that seems to thrive here. Pretty views are one thing, but a genuine community spirit is much rarer. I absolutely love living in Ellesmere."

Bob McBride, a member of Rotary and the Royal British Legion arrived in Ellesmere in 1977.

He said: "We are a town of many faces from many countries and we are one . When it comes to getting volunteers for various events throughout the year people always come forward ,even in the recent hard times the residents organised themselves to bridge gaps where help was needed . The town is close to original with the independent shops with friendly service and the hospitality industry is outstanding . The bonus is the landscape and the mere in particular, I just love it."

Chick Parry-Jones said: "I am so proud to have been born and bred in Ellesmere. It is a warm, friendly, giving town. We saw this during lockdown. We all pulled together and helped anyone who was in need."

The community events were praised by Sam Kimber who said: "We moved here in September last year and have been made to feel super welcome. I joined the choir at St Mary’s and we’ve all taken part in community events including the pumpkin smashing, the winter parade, lantern making and a bangers and mash quiz night, it’s fab."

Having moved to Ellesmere less than a year ago Ricky Partridge said: "I have never really lived anywhere else before that gives me a warm fuzzy happy feeling that Ellesmere does. I'm always excited to come back after working in the west midlands. The views and surroundings are stunning, the people are friendly, there's a good selection of everything needed from shops to events - I'm proud to say I live in Ellesmere."

After 18 months of living in Ellesmere Trina Newton said: "We soon felt very much 'at home'.Folk are friendly and actually engage with you.The shops are great and there are loads of places to eat and drink. We spent over 30 years living near Birmingham and really wish we'd moved here as soon as we both retired eight years ago. I feel so safe when out and about."

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