Town's repair cafe opens for the first time

A town has hosted its first repair cafe with more than 40 items being brought in.

Ian Fletcher repairing a clock.

The Repair Cafe Ellesmere opened up for the first time on Saturday at the town hall – running from 1pm to 4pm.

Amanda Weeks, a volunteer with the group, said that the cafe was part of Repair Cafe Wales and had been supported by members of Oswestry's repair cafe.

She said the idea had come after the town's mayor, Anne Wignall, had seen Oswestry's cafe in operation.

Amanda said: "It was our mayor who went to see people in Oswestry and saw it as a good idea – everyone was happy and it was so nice she brought it back and said 'can we set up one here?'.

"When the call went out for volunteers we had a great response and that is when we put it into action."

Amanda said the first session had been busy, with a variety of items brought in for repairs, from electrical equipment to clothing.

She said: "They have had 44 items brought in, some are sewing, some are gluing, all sorts of different types of mending.

"The whole ethos is so we don't throw as much away as a society."

The cafe also operates as a literal cafe – with volunteers providing coffee and tea for those bringing items for repairs.

The event will continue to take place on the first Saturday of a month – although it will not take place next month due to King Charles III's coronation.

The cafe will return in June.

Anyone interested in volunteering or finding out more about the group can e-mail Amanda at