Calling all musicians! Remembrance Day Parade organisers are seeking a new drummer

Organisers of a Remembrance Day Parade are appealing for help to find a drummer that can lead those marching through the town.

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The act of Remembrance in Ellesmere photo: David Atkinson

The Ellesmere Royal British Legion says until last year the parade was always led by a drummer setting the pace. But with the person now moved from the area it has been unable to find a replacement.

Spokesperson, Bob McBride said even the loan of the special harness needed to carry the drum for the parade on November 12 would be a help.

"We have had the offer for help from a couple of drummers but unfortunately they don't have the kit to be able to march in the parade."

"If anyone can help, either by volunteering their time if they have their own equipment, or simply their kit for someone else to use we would really appreciate hearing from them.

"The parade simply isn't the same without the beat from the drum."

Anyone who can help should contact Mr McBride on 01691 622359 and leave a message.

Ellesmere's parade leaves the town's main car park to march through the town to St Mary's Church for 10.45am where the act of Remembrance takes place at the Cenotaph in the church grounds.

A Poppy Appeal fundraising evening of Remembrance will be held in Ellesmere's Comrades Club on November 11. Soprano Seren Devismes, Porthywaen Silver Band and Ellesmere Amateur Dramatic Society are among those taking part.