Shropshire Star

Capture the sights of Ellesmere to help local charities and be featured in permanent exhibition

Amateur photographers are being urged to enter a competition raising money for charity.

The canal near Ellesmere photo Liz Woodbridge

Ellesmere Mayor, Councillor Anne Wignall, has launched the competition in aid of her charities, Ellesmere Food Share and local youth organisations.

People are encouraged to submit up to five photographs that capture the very best of Ellesmere.

"That could include images of people, places, wildlife or buildings," she said.

Photos can be in colour or black and white.

The winning photographs will be included in a permanent exhibition at Ellesmere Town Hall and used in future publicity. There are two age categories, under 16 and 16 and over. The first prize winner in each category will also receive a gift voucher.

Councillor Wignall, said: "Any amateur photographer can enter and everyone has a chance of winning. It might be you that takes one of the special photos that ends up in the permanent exhibition or is used in publicity that attracts visitors to the town."

The entry fee is £2 per photograph. Information about how to enter the competition can be found pinned on the Food and Warm Clothes Sharing Project facebook page, or contact for more details.

The competition is open to all amateur photographers until the end of February.

All entries must be digital and received via email to no later than 5pm February 29.

A maximum of five photographs per person is permitted. Images should not include watermarks, borders or signatures.

The entry fee of £2 per photograph up to a maximum of five photographs to be paid via

"It is not permitted to make any major physical changes to the image. You may not, for example, add or remove plants, objects, animals, people, or parts of animals, people or parts of the landscape when submitting your image. The entrant must be the original artwork creator and solely hold the copyright."

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