Shropshire Star

Cash bonanza for wildlife charity

A Shrewsbury supermarket has donated thousands of pounds to Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

Receiving money is (left-right) Shropshire Wildlife Trust corporate relations officer Craig Baker, trustee Dr Richard Carpenter, and CEO Colin Preston, from Sainsbury's store manager Mike Paterson, and PR ambassador Elaine Newson, at Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury..

Customers of Sainsbury’s in Meole Brace, Shrewsbury chose the trust to be their charity this year and the cash was raised by their staff, through events including a sponsored bike ride, special harvest festival bakery products, sales of flowers, floral table displays and quizzes.

Customers have also donated via the collection boxes placed in the store.

Shropshire Wildlife Trust staff had a presence in the store over several weekends, talking to customers and browsing the aisles in wild animal costumes.

“Huge thanks are owed to Sainsbury’s colleagues,” said Craig Baker of Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

“We are also extremely grateful to their customers who supported us with donations. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and we’re really grateful for their fantastic fundraising efforts, which will support our work, looking after the county’s beautiful wild places.”

In total £6,645 was raised for the charity.