Shropshire Star

Schoolteacher strides out for charity

A schoolteacher from Shrewsbury will be lacing his trainers and setting out on an epic journey to cover 184 miles for charity.

Anthony Burrell

Anthony Burrell, 50, from Meole Brace is a type 2 diabetic and next Thursday he will begin a 184 mile run along the River Thames National Trail, from its source near Cirencester to the Thames Barrier in London to raise money for the Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA).

He is aiming to complete the run over seven days - the equivalent of running seven marathons - be running unsupported, carrying his camping gear and provisions in a backpack weighing 9kg.

The inspiration for the epic challenge is his niece Jessica who was born with Down's Syndrome.

“She is amazing," said Anthony. "Mark and Andrea, her mum and dad, and her brother Edward work so hard to help her and she is making such great progress.”

Despite having only had a few weeks preparation, Anthony is confident that he’ll be able to complete the challenge:

He said: “To be fair, I made the decision to run the challenge on Glastonbury weekend, about four weeks ago.

"I have retained a decent level of fitness and kept up my running since I ran the Manchester, London and Snowdonia marathons for the DSA last year and have been running 12, 15 and 18 miles each weekend since then so I know I can run on tired legs. During the challenge, however, I will be doubling that mileage – running approximately 78 miles over three days rather than the 45. I quite like the idea of running it Eddie Izzard style...minimal training, just grinding it out.

“My family and friends think I’m mad to be doing this but they’ve been really supportive. My mum is a bit worried because of my diabetes, but it is very well controlled. It will be great to see my wife and my two kids waiting for me at the Thames Barrier at the end of the challenge. I’ve told everybody else not to bother and to put the travel expenses into the fundraising pot."

To make a donation to Anthony’s fundraising, go to