Shropshire Star

Heritage Trust gets grant from council

A body which promotes a disused railway station in the heart of Shrewsbury has been awarded a grant by Shrewsbury Town Council.

Councillor Jane Mackenzie, Mayor of Shrewsbury with David Morris, Board Member of Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust

Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust has received a community grant of £2,000 and the money has been used for the purchase and installation of five heaters for the Abbey Station building.

David Morris, board member for SRHT said: “We are really pleased to receive a generous grant of £2,000 for Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust. The trustees would like to place on record their appreciation for this tremendous support, which has made the building more warm and will greatly assist with its role as a community facility.

“We also have future plans to install signage, and to consider purchasing audio-visual equipment to further develop use of Abbey Station by local organisations especially heritage societies We want to upgrade the interpretation of the building’s history, so that people can understand the significance of the railway’s contribution to the development of public transport, and rail transport in Shrewsbury."

Councillor Jane Mackenzie, mayor of Shrewsbury said: “On my recent visit to Abbey Station I was impressed with the work that had been completed by volunteers over many years, and with the ongoing dedication that they have to further develop the building for community use. Shrewsbury Town Council has been proud to support this valuable project.”

Shrewsbury Town Council awards grants to local organisations to assist them to achieve their aims and objectives.