Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury care provider gets 'good' rating from CQC

A Shrewsbury care company has instilled “a culture of continuous improvement and of putting people first, above anything else”, according to a report by the Care Quality Commission.

Last updated

CLCA, based on Battlefield Enterprise Park, provides nursing and personal care to children and adults in their own homes as well as providing nurses and healthcare professionals to hospitals in the private sector and the NHS.

The company underwent a comprehensive inspection by the CQC in July this year which looked at five key areas - safety, effectiveness, and whether the service provided was caring, well led and responsive. CLCA received a rating of “Good” in all five categories.

Read the full CQC report on CLCA here

Managing director Cherry Adams said: “We are extremely pleased that the CQC recognise our commitment to provide the correct individual and personalised care in all circumstances.

“Our nurses and healthcare professionals are fully trained in specific care needs and are always focused on the client and on achieving the high level of service we demand.

“Our success is down to our dedicated and hard-working staff and we would like to thank them for their continued efforts.”

The report describes how risk assessment are regularly reviewed to adapt the level of support needed in response to people’s “often rapidly changing” needs.

It added: “Staff are able to support people who have needs such as home ventilation, tracheostomy, gastrostomy or suprapubic catheters.

“Systems were in place for staff to follow which protected people and kept them safe and staff teams were built around individual people.

“People were supported by staff who had been trained to support them with their specific care needs.”

The inspection found staff adopted a caring approach towards their work and had built good relationships with those people they supported.

“Those receiving care and relatives were happy with the care provided, trusted staff and felt staff were kind and compassionate. People received care and support that was personalised to them and their preferences,” the report added.