Shropshire Star

River Severn death: Victim named as Shrewsbury man, 29

A man found in the River Severn at Shrewsbury has been named as Dwight Michael Jeffrey-Shaw.


The body of the 29-year-old, from Shrewsbury, was discovered near Castle Walk Bridge in the town on Sunday.

The first reports of a man being seen in the water were made to the emergency services at about 2.20pm on Saturday.

Specialist teams took part in searching the water up to Shrewsbury’s weir during the afternoon but were unable to find the person, with the search being called off at around 4.30pm due to poor visibility.

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The water conditions were said to be extremely cold at the time and two men had gone into the water in a brave attempt to rescue the person before the emergency services arrived.

The body of Mr Jeffrey-Shaw was discovered near Castle Walk Bridge on Sunday after the emergency services resumed their search.

The inquest on Mr Jeffrey-Shaw's will open at Shirehall on December 14 at 9.30am.

The opening will be heard by coroner John Ellery.

Police have appealed for witnesses who may have information about what happened.

If you witnessed anything that might help police investigations into this incident, phone the police non-emergency number 101 quoting incident reference 0389s of December 2.

You can also leave information anonymously with the charity Crimestoppers, by phoning 0800 555 111 or visiting

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