Shropshire Star

Market wows the judges in competition

Shrewsbury Market Hall traders are keeping their fingers crossed after being visited by judges in the final round of a national competition to find Britain’s Favourite Market 2018.

Town clerk Helen Ball, judge Jeremy Bradin, Director of KPR Midlink Ltd, market facilities manager Kate Gittins, and judge Rob Nixon, NABMA Market Health Checks Manager.

The judges from The Great British Market Awards, visited the Market Hall on Tuesday on a fact-finding mission to see for themselves why it is so well loved and supported.

Shrewsbury market is one of six finalists who received a large number of public votes to put it through to the final round for judging. The five other finalists in the competition are markets in Barrow in Furness, Cambridge, Leeds Kirkgate, Norwich and Skipton.

Britain’s Favourite Market is part of The Great British Market Awards that are run annually by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA).

The judges for Shrewsbury Market Hall, which is jointly run by Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Town Council, were Jeremy Bradin, Director of GB Market Awards sponsor KPR Midlink Ltd, and Rob Nixon, Market Health Checks Manager for NABMA.

Shrewsbury Market Hall Facilities Manager Kate Gittins said: “We were thrilled to host the judges who have both witnessed the transformation of our market over the years, so they were in a good position to see how it has improved and evolved.

“They had the opportunity to see how varied our market is, the quality of our products, produce and eateries and got the chance to talk to very happy traders. They went away suitably impressed.”

Town Clerk Helen Ball added: “It was a great pleasure to welcome members of the Britain’s Favourite Market Awards Judging Panel to the Market Hall.

“They were able to see for themselves what a vibrant and lively market we have in Shrewsbury and everyone who is involved in the market from the traders, the staff who work there, customers and visitors as well as the many people who voted for Shrewsbury should be suitably proud.

“Shrewsbury is a very worthy finalist in the 2018 Britain’s Favourite Market Awards and we all await the unveiling of the winner next month.”

Each market will receive a visit by judges who will also look at how each market works with local partners, provides opportunities for new traders and developing businesses, involves young people, drives footfall and markets itself. Each will also receive a visit by Storecheckers, the mystery shopping organisation.

Britain’s Favourite Market 2018 winner will be announced at the NABMA One Day Conference in Birmingham on January 25.