Shrewsbury Railway Station to get upgrade in 2018

Further improvement works at Shrewsbury Railway Station will begin next year, according to Network Rail.

Last updated
Shrewsbury Railway Station

The company said they are working on plans to replace the last of the old canopies and the refurbishment of Dana footbridge.

However, Daniel Kawczynski, MP for Shrewsbury & Atcham, claims he was promised the upgrades would be completed this year.

Writing on Twitter this week, he said: "Your company promised me work would start to refurbish/upgrade Dana Bridge this year and yet no work has commenced. When can we see progress on this important investment please?"

Mr Kawczynski's office said they are still waiting on a reply from Network Rail.

Earlier this year he branded the historic building a "disgrace" and said it doesn't provide a fitting welcome to visitors to the town.

A Network Rail spokeswoman said the work has been scheduled to take place in 2018.

She added: "We completed the first phase of the refurbishment of Shrewsbury’s historic railway station in December last year, this included installing a new canopy over platforms three, four and seven.

"We are currently developing plans for the renewal of the remaining station canopies and the refurbishment of Dana footbridge. We have been working closely with Shrewsbury Council as both these structures are listed and part of the historic fabric of the station.

"Work is planned to be carried out on both the remaining station canopies and Dana footbridge in 2018."

Last year Network Rail released a plan to cope with huge increases in passengers using the station for the decades to come.

Among options put forward was the construction of a new platform opposite the Buttermarket nightclub in Howard Street.