WATCH: Anti Charles Darwin protesters descend on Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury's most famous son is being celebrated in the town this week.

But not everyone agrees with Charles Darwins' theory of evolution.
Creationists, Neil Horan and Linda Jones travelled to Shropshire on Saturday to protest against Darwin and evolution as 'a sin against the bible'.
They began their protest by the Quantum Leap statue alongside the River Severn before moving onto Bellstone and finishing up at Darwin's statue outside the Library in Castle Gates.
"We were able to hand out leaflets and talk to people," Linda said.
Dressed in a smock of green white and gold the former Roman Catholic priest, Mr Horan, said "Darwin was as 'cracked' as his image on the poster we are carrying. His views are a sin against the bible. The theory of evolution is totally potty and nonsensical."
He and other creationists believe the earth was formed by divine acts of creation.
The protestors received quizzical looks as they made their way through a busy town centre, handing out leaflets. But few people stopped to engage in conversation with them.
Police officers kept a view from the sidelines during the protest at the Quantum Leap statue.
Mr Horan said: "It was very disappointing that the gates to the garden were locked and that we couldn't get up to the statue itself."
The protestor has been arrested several times for his actions at major events including the British Grand Prix, the Derby and the Olympic Games in Athens. He was removed from the priesthood in 2005.