Shropshire Star

Recognition for work with the homeless

Two Shropshire Council housing officers were commended this week for their work in supporting rough sleepers in Shrewsbury.

Rob Caffery, Shropshire Council: Inspector Edward Hancox: Teri Dunham, Shropshrie Council: Greg Campion, Police & Crime Commissioner: PC Karena Evans: Graham Oliver: Tim Compton, Shrewsbury Ark.

Rob Caffery and Teri Dunham received a superintendent commendation for for their work and also recognised for their word was Tim Compton of Shrewsbury Ark and Karena Evans of West Mercia Police in regard to the Homeless Outreach Street Triage (HOST) team.

Chief Inspector Sarah Chaloner gave a citation about the work undertaken before the award was handed out by Superintendent Jason Wells. In her citation, Chief Inspector Chaloner praised the team for their outstanding work throughout Shropshire detailing the significant reductions in those now sleeping rough on the streets of Shropshire.

Of the 11 superintendent commendations awarded, the HOST team were the only one to include members of the public. Having been put forward by Inspector Ed Hancox of West Mercia Police it shows the importance of partnership working and the impressive outcome that can be achieved when working together.

The Homeless Outreach Street Triage (HOST) initiative has transformed the way in which Shropshire Council’s housing service team and partners engage with rough sleepers in Shropshire.

HOST is a partnership between Shropshire Council’s housing services team, Shrewsbury Ark, Shropshire Community Mental Health Team, Shropshire Recovery Partnership, and the police. It was set up to better meet the needs of the rough sleeper population in Shropshire by sending a multi-agency outreach team out across Shropshire to ensure the correct support was offered to every rough sleeper.

The team aim to visit homeless people within 24 hours of being reported as sleeping rough and to get help to them as soon as possible.

Tim Compton of Shrewsbury Ark said: “Having additional resource has been really helpful to add a different element to the work the Ark does with those living on the streets. Using a more joined up approach has improved the outcomes for many of the entrenched rough sleepers in the county.”

Rob Caffery of Shropshire Council’s housing services team, said: “HOST has provided a valuable resource in Shropshire to react to reports of rough sleepers and getting the correct support to them as soon as possible. This has proved invaluable in helping to reduce the numbers living on the streets and improving the outcomes for those unfortunate enough to find themselves homeless.”