Flying the flag for England: Here's our Star Witness winning photo

C'mon England! Shrewsbury youngsters Liam Henderson, Dylan Harris and Jack Trowmans are all hoping England win against Croatia tonight - and this photo has just won Dylan's grandmother a case of beer.

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Young England fans Liam Henderson, Dylan Harris and Jack Trowmans

Although beer isn't something in short supply for Barbara Powney, who runs the Hop & Friar pub in St Julian's Friars, Shrewsbury.

Barbara, 51, entered the photo in our Star Witness Word Cup photo competition.

It was taken as Liam, 8, Dylan, 2, and Jack, 8, got in the mood for England's quarter-final clash with Sweden.

Barbara says she is expecting another busy night tonight, after about 180 punters turned up to watch the 2-0 victory over Sweden.

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