Shropshire Star

Law firm throws weight behind challenge

A Shropshire law firm has nailed its colours firmly to the mast by backing a local woman in her attempt to row single-handedly across the Atlantic for charity.

Kelda Wood and Andrew Evans

Kelda Wood from Shrewsbury is taking part in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in December and she is aiming to raise £50,000 for her charity Climbing Out.

The charity was launched by Kelda following a life-changing injury and helps young people who have faced similar issues to build self esteem and confidence through outdoor activity programmes.

Kelda is busy trying to raise the £30,000 she needs to enter the trans-Atlantic challenge, pay courier fees and get her boat to the start line as well as getting people to pledge funds to her charity.

Law firm Lanyon Bowdler has pledged its support by sponsoring Kelda on her 3,000-mile solo attempt and also given her some company for her journey in the form of one of the firm’s famous bears.

Andrew Evans, senior partner with the firm, said: “Kelda has our utmost respect in taking on this mammoth challenge - something that most of us would not even consider.

“She also has a lot of hard work to get through before she even sets sail by raising the money she needs to take part.

“Lanyon Bowdler is delighted to sponsor Kelda in her efforts and look forward to following her epic journey across the Atlantic with a great deal of interest.

“Kelda’s charity Climbing Out does some amazing work in helping young people who are facing physical or mental trauma and helping to raise awareness about the issues and support that is available.

“During her solo row, Kelda will be updating followers about her progress and each day she will be rowing for a different young person - sharing their story with a view to raising awareness for others with the message they are not alone.

“As well as sponsoring Kelda we thought it appropriate to provide her with some company on what is sure to be a lonely journey, so we are giving her one of our famous Lanyon Bowdler bears as a reminder that we are all thinking about her and wishing her well on the trip.”

For more information about the Atlantic rowing challenge or to donate, visit For more about Kelda’s Climbing Out charity, visit