Shropshire Star

Cars clocked travelling at twice the speed limit in Cressage

A concerned resident has clocked traffic travelling more then double the speed limit during a crackdown in a village.

Last updated
Scott Spencer

A speed data logger installed in Cressage, between Shrewsbury and Telford, clocked cars travelling at 64.02mph and 62.08mph in a 30mph zone.

The private hire logger was installed on the A458 Shrewsbury Road by a resident who says he has "hit a brick wall" with trying to get something done about the ongoing issue of speeding through the village.

Scott Spencer lives just yards from the road, and says walking along it is like 'taking your life into your own hands'.

"The speed limit is pretty much just disregarded - it's outrageous," he added.

"It's very much known to the village that there's an ongoing, dangerous issue with speeding.

"It's been raised many times with the parish council, the police and even the local MP, but nothing seems to be getting done.

"The pavement is narrow and you feel like you're taking life into your own hands when you walk along it."


The 40-year-old hired a data logger machine to catch the speed of every car that went down the road for a week.

The road, which connects Bridgnorth to Shrewsbury, starts at 40mph on the outskirts of the village before tapering into a 30mph zone.

The data collected shows that a total of 12,043 cars travelled down the road, of which 3,576 were speeding, equalling just under 30 per cent.

And that the most common times for speeding are from midnight until 7am, and 6pm until 11pm.

"I've got two young daughters and I as well as other families feel we can't safely walk out of our homes," he added.

"Something has to be done before it's too late, and it is only a matter of time before it is.

"The wrong thing to do is just wait - the council and local authorities need to be proactive, not reactive."

The parish council say it is aware of the problem, and that is has invited West Mercia Police to a meeting to discuss with Shropshire Council what can be done.


Rebecca Turner, Cressage Parish Clerk, said: "Cressage, Harley and Sheinton Parish Council is aware of and concerned about the ongoing issue of speeding on the A458 through Cressage.

"This matter is raised frequently at parish council meetings, the minutes of which are published on our website.

"The parish council has limited powers to address the issue directly, as Shropshire Council is responsible for the highway and the police for speed enforcement.

"We therefore endeavour to work with the police and Shropshire Council to find ways to address the issue and to this end have invited the police to attend a parish council meeting.

"The local Shropshire Councillor also regularly attends parish council meetings."