Shropshire Star

Winter Fuel Payment appeal by Shropshire charity

A Shrewsbury-based charity is asking for people who can afford it to donate their Winter Fuel Payment to help those in need.


Shropshire Rural Communities Charity (RCC) has launched its annual Warmer Winter Appeal, which uses the donations to give out grants for emergency fuel and energy-saving improvements in people’s homes.

Shropshire has the fourth-highest level of fuel poverty in England, with over 19,000 fuel-poor households.

A large number of homes in the county are also ‘off gas’, so fuel choice is limited and can be expensive.

The charity's campaign has raised almost £20,000 and helped 130 households in the county since it began in 2011.

Winter Fuel Payments are distributed by the government to everyone over State Pension age, regardless of income and whether they are still working.


This year the amount available is between £100 and £300, depending on age and circumstances.

Julia Baron, chief executive of Shropshire RCC, said: “Many people in Shropshire receive this benefit and may not really need it, while for others, rising fuel costs is a source of great anxiety.

“We are asking people who wouldn’t miss their payments to donate all, or part, of them so they can be used to help people who are struggling to stay warm this winter.

“One of the rewards of giving to this fund is that you can be assured that you are making a direct impact on someone’s life close to home and helping someone local to you.”

Shropshire RCC partners with referral agencies to find people most in need and provide them with insulation, draft exclusion and other energy saving measures.

To donate to the Warmer Winter Appeal, visit