Shropshire Star

Santa stops off in the Atlantic to check on Shrewsbury's Kelda

He is the perfect visitor for Christmas day – especially when you're alone in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Kelda and her festive visitor

Shrewsbury athlete Kelda Wood is on day 17 of her trip solo trip across the Atlantic, which she is doing to raise hope in young people facing mental or physical trauma.

And, knowing she'd be alone at Christmas, she brought along an inflatable Santa Claus for company.

"Look who just popped by to see if there was any whisky going spare," she tweeted.

Kelda is also trying to raise over £50,000 for Climbing Out, the charity she set up in 2010 that runs five day outdoor activity programmes aimed at rebuilding confidence and self esteem in young people facing life changing injury, illness or trauma.

Throughout the campaign, charities such as The Teenage Cancer Trust, Kidney Care UK, Limbpower and Help for Heroes will be nominating people for Kelda to row for and helping to create a network of support.

Each day she will row for a different person, sharing their stories and links to relevant charities.

On Christmas Day she rowed for Martin Hewitt and the Adaptive Grand Slam Team.

"Martin was injured out in Afghanistan when he was shot in his left shoulder," she said.

"He went on to set up AGS with the vision of creating the first adaptive team ever to complete the mountaineering Grand Slam, that’s conquering the seven summits plus the North Pole and South Pole.

"I was lucky enough to join the team for their attempt on Aconcagua, the highest peak in South America. And what a team they were. A core team of four military guys, all who had been injured through military service that really showed the only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves.

"Their positive attitude and refusal to let their injuries hold them back are not only an inspiration, but can show the world the power of choice.

"We’re all faced with challenges, but you can choose to let what happens to you hold you back or help you grow."