Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury Food Hub dishes out of surplus supermarket produce to public

Hundreds of people in Shrewsbury have been making use of surplus supermarket food that would otherwise have been thrown away.

Volunteer Alison Thomas

Shrewsbury Food Hub has been encouraging people to bring along a bag to its foodshare tables and fill it up.

Volunteers have been busy over the festive period collecting surplus groceries from 15 local supermarkets.

The food is usually distributed between local groups and organisations but the offer has been extended to the public over Christmas and New Year.

Shrewsbury Food Hub volunteers

Katy Anderson, project manager, said hundreds of people have made the most of the food.

"It's been really busy and every day the food has been used up," she said.

"There is lots of surplus food over Christmas and we have had an incredible amount. One day we had more than 500 loaves of bread and on Monday we got a whole palette of eggs."

Simon Thompson volunteered to load and unload the surplus food into the vans

The foodshare tables have been running at Riversway Elim Church, The Base at Crowmoor Baptist Church, Church of the Holy Spirit and The Meet Place.

Katy added: "We also have to say thanks to the Crossbar Foundation who have sent footballers to volunteer. We support them throughout the year by supplying fruit and veg for their holiday club so it was lovely to see them volunteering with us.

"The stores involved are also wonderful as they take the time to sort the food for us."

Volunteer Mike Haddaway loading the van

The foodshare tables at Riversway Elim Church will be open between 10am and 2pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and at The Base on Friday from 9am to 12pm.