Shropshire Star

Property of Shrewsbury homeless is taken away

Sleeping bags and blankets removed by police and council workers from doorways in Shrewsbury have been taken because they present a "health hazard".

Last updated

Shrewsbury's police have confirmed that they are removing sleeping items left in doorways in the town, but said they can be collected for up to ten days, and that their owners are informed of where the items have gone.

The move is part of the a public space protection order, which was put in place to tackle anti-social behaviour in the town.

The Ark, Shrewsbury's homeless charity, said it supports the move.

Shrewsbury Safer Neighbourhood Inspector Saf Ali said: “In partnership with Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Town Council an agreement is in place as part of the Public Space Protection Order that any unattended property, which includes sleeping bags, will be removed and taken to the town centre police station where it will be held for ten days to be collected.

“Clearly, we have to be vigilant around unattended property to ensure the safety of the public and we have discussed this with people who are homeless so that they’re aware where their property has been moved to should they wish to collect it.

“Shrewsbury Ark is also aware of this agreement and supports us in this and are informed when we have moved items so they can let the relevant person know."

Tim Compton, of the Ark, said that the move was important to remove a health hazard.

He said: "Some of the items that are left are actually a potential health hazard, I would say that to anyone concerned."

He said the items included soiled belongings and drug paraphernalia.

He added: "Homelessness is no excuse to be leaving mess in a doorway. It is not a case of waiting until someone turns their back and nicking their stuff.

"Quite often what is left is a health hazard and we all want the streets to be a safe place."