Removing Shrewsbury homeless items sparks public debate
A decision to remove sleeping bags and blankets from doorways in Shrewsbury due to being a health hazard has sparked fierce public debate.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that police in the town have been removing sleeping items left in doorways.
It is part of a public space protection order to clamp down on anti-social behaviour, and has been supported by homeless charity, 'The Ark'.
However items removed can be collected for up to ten days, and owners are informed of where the items have gone.
The move has sparked a debate on social media, with many hitting out at the authorities.
On the Shropshire Star website, user The_real_one23 said: "How about putting the same effort into finding abandoned houses and opening them up for use as homeless shelters?"
The fat controller said: "Police and council workers should be ashamed. If you have no home, where are you supposed to leave your bed? Being a street sleeper is hard enough without our "public servants" making life even harder."
On Facebook, others commented with Natalie Riley adding: "That is absolutely disgusting. They are homeless and it's cold outside and they take away their warm blankets."
Rach James said people should not judge or paint every homeless person with the same brush.
She added: "Not all homeless people choose to be homeless. Not all homeless people are drug users or drink alcohol. There are people that have been in the forces that are homeless.
"What about young people that have been abused and run away from the abuse. That's not what they want either way. There are homeless people that like being on the streets and there are some that don't want be on the streets.
"Don't judge or paint every homeless person with the same brush. Each person has there own reason for being homeless.
"It needs more people to listen and help and more boarded up properties to be made available for the ones who want a home. Plus put yourself in that's persons place and then realise how lucky you truly are with what you have."
Tony IronBear Symonds added: "One side complains that the streets look terrible with left belongings and rubbish everywhere
"Council decide to move said items that are unattended and are kept for ten days for collection (other councils throw away said items).
"And everyone is in up roar about it."
And Kammie Jones said the new action could be a way of helping the homeless to get help.
She added: "There items are being taken to the Police station if left alone on the street.
"They can collect their items from the police station and it's also a way of getting help.
"They're not removing the items and just chucking it away. Also homeless people do not lose benefits if they haven't got an address. They can use their local jobcentre address as correspondence address."