Shropshire Star

Appeal launched to find school football match attacker

Police have a released a description of a spectator who allegedly assaulted a Telford schoolboy during a school football match in Shrewsbury.


The 15-year-old, a pupil at Hadley Learning Community, was playing in a school league game with Shrewsbury Academy when troubled flared and the police were called at about 4pm on February 27.

He suffered a wound above his eye that required four stitches.

The match was being played at Shrewsbury Sports Village in Sundorne Road.

West Mercia Police said a small group of youths, who were watching the match attacked the boy who suffered a facial injury.

One of the attackers, believed to be the main offender, is described as of slim build, with blond mopped hair and was wearing a black gillet over a black hoody and black jogging bottoms. Following the attack he fled in the direction of the Sundorne estate opposite.

Police said officers were carrying inquiries relating to the incident and were appealing for witnesses to come forward.

The injured youth's father told the Shropshire Star: "He had some time off school so that the police could take his statement. He is on mend and has returned to school now."

Any anyone who knows with West Mercia Police on 101 quoting reference 519s 270219 or Crimestoppers.

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or at