Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury woman, 52, killed by horse kick, inquest told

A Shrewsbury woman died of a traumatic brain injury after being kicked in the head by a horse an inquest has heard.


Helen Heywood, 52, of Hughley, died on March 22, ten days after she suffered her injuries.

An inquest into her death on Tuesday at Shirehall heard that she had been found on the ground in front of stables on March 13.

Coroner's officer Melvyn Dawson explained that she had been kicked in the face by a horse, and paramedics were called.

She had an eight millimetre bone fracture to her face, with a host of other bone fractures.

She underwent a range of scans and treatment while in hospital, and it was discovered she had suffered a brain injury.

After she had shown no improvement to treatment, it was decided that she would be put on palliative care.

24 hours later, on March 22, she died.

The cause of death was given by Dr Clare Hailstone as a traumatic brain injury.

Coroner John Ellery said: "I record a conclusion of accidental death."

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