Shropshire Star

Group raise £1.3 million for Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

Over the last 12 months the Friends of Royal Shrewsbury Hospital has gifted in excess of £1.3 million to the hospital.

Sue Lewis, Sue Hill, Tina Jordan and Jo Nudds

The funds have gone towards an MRI Scanner, 17 patient monitors, ECG machines; equipment for the Ophthalmology department, theatre stacks, microscopes, dementia therapy system and many other vital pieces of equipment which is helping to improve patient care and save more lives.

This has only been possible due to the support from the public, and money has been raised through the four hospital shops the friends run.

Almost 100 volunteers give their time to help in the shops and of all ages.

Shop Manager Lee Herkes said: “I am, as always, in awe of just how well the shops do, the continuing increase in trade just goes to show how much the patients, visitors and staff appreciate what we have to offer within the hospital.

"Of course this wouldn’t be possible without the on-going help from the volunteers and staff of The League of Friends.”

The friends of the hospital are now planning Easter sales, with toys and Easter eggs on sale across the shops in the hospital.