Shropshire Star

Students take to the streets over climate change

Armed with banners, placards and a megaphone, dozens of students from across Shrewsbury marked through the streets demanding action to be taken over climate change.

The protestors in the Square in Shrewsbury

Demanding that politicians both locally and nationally sit up and take notice the students, who ranged in age from primary school pupils to students from Shrewsbury College's Group made their way to the Square where they held an impromptu rally and attacting the attention of passers-by and shoppers.

Organiser Callum Fone, 18, a student at Shrewsbury Sixth Form College studying maths, physics and computer science said: "We are trying to get as many people as possible involved in saving the planet.

"Shropshire Council declared a climate emergency last week and we wanted the protest today to coincide with United Kingdom Student Climate Network's day of demonstration.

"Demonstrations are taking place around the world and we wanted for Shrewsbury to have its voice.

"We have had an amazing turnout and cars have been honking us and the support from people walking past has been great with many members of the public congratulating us.

"Every single person can have an impact on the environment from recycling to buying locally produced food and turning out to protests. Even just a share on facebook can help in the long term."

Belle Lewis, 17 fellow organiser and a student at the college studying French, Spanish, English literature and politics added: "There needs to be a wake-up call to those in power. I am absolutely terrified by the inaction of governments both locally and worldwide.

"They seem to be paralysed by this and refuse to take measures to help us. They are risking our very futures.

"I had no idea so many people would come along. I have taken part in protest marches in Birmingham and Manchester and while this is nowhere near as big, it is still getting our voice out there. It was really inspiring."