Memory wall at addiction charity

A 'memory wall' to commemorate those who have lost their lives to addiction problems is being created at a new charity.

Last updated
Councillor Jane Mackenzie with a treasured photograph of her daughter Amy Jane

Share Shrewsbury, founded by former mayor Jane Mackenzie, has been set up to provide support for people with addiction problems and their loved ones.

Councillor Mackenzie lost her daughter Amy Jane Liebich to alcohol addiction in May, and said she wanted to help other people who were going through similar experiences.

She is inviting people to send in pictures of loved ones who had lost their lives due to alcohol addiction which will be displayed on a wall at the charity's base in the Riverside shopping centre. Amy Jane will be among those pictured on the wall, and a memory book will also be created.

Anybody wanting to have a loved one pictured on the wall, or wanting further information about the charity, can contact Councillor Mackenzie by emailing or by telephoning her on 07973 702772.