Concerns over loss of green space for new Shrewsbury school
Playing fields on the edge of Shrewsbury should be retained for community use, a councillor has said.
Last week Shropshire Council revealed it was looking at a number of locations to re-site Shrewsbury Academy.
One of the sites under consideration is the playing fields at Shrewsbury Sport Village in Sundorne.
Councillor Pardy said: "I have had councillors telling me the advantage of moving the school to the village, I see none. What I see is lost greenery, unimaginable traffic problems and some youngsters having to deal with two extremely dangerous roads.
"It's such a lovely area for people walking their dogs or kids playing football. We've all seen kites being flown on the fields and even picnics taking place.
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"Councillor Nutting says the fields are never used but that's not true. This is just all about money for the council but these fields are important to the people who live here and I am trying to defend that."
Sundorne has lost a number of green spaces, including the Shrewsbury Club, the Sports Village, the medical centre and land at the end of Lesley Owen Way which has been granted planning permission.
Councillor Pardy said while the majority of the developments were positive, it leaves the area with very little green space bar the sports fields.
"By vacating the academy site they would be able to sell the land for development," he said.
"That, I believe, is the only reason for the latest idea. Nothing more, nothing less.
"We need more social housing in Shrewsbury, of that there is no doubt, but the cost of losing the land at the sports fields is too great."
Earlier this year a proposal was put forward to re-locate Sundorne Infant School onto the Harlescott Junior School site which would allow Shrewsbury Academy to extend onto the vacated site.
Councillor Pardy said it would be the 'perfect' option but was dropped by the authority.
Leader of Shropshire Council, Peter Nutting, stressed it is still 'early days' and no decisions have been made.