New stained-glass window for Shrewsbury museum
A new stained-glass window has been unveiled at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery today next to its medieval gallery.
Created by local stained-glass artist Nathalie Hildergarde Liege, the window was inspired by the Margaret Agnes Rope exhibition which took place in 2016 and the museum’s Hall of Rocks and Minerals collection.
It was designed to celebrate Margaret Agnes Rope’s fusion of modern and spiritual elements.
Margaret was a stained-glass artist whose windows can be seen in the town's St Mary's church.
The creation was funded by the Arts Council, crowdfunding and sponsors.
Nathalie said: "The first thing I kept in mind as I created this window was ‘Marga and Collections’ is like a signature at the end of one of the stages in my career. This artwork for the Museum in and about the town where my career started, offered me the chance to reflect on the two decades I had lived in Shrewsbury.
"Shropshire and Shrewsbury introduced me to building a relationship with a place famous for its geology with a town where Darwin had like and where a flower show is its pride."
She said that living in Shrewsbury had been the celebration of being close to three periods of history that had enlightened her, medieval, prehistoric and the 19th Century.
"This artwork is a moment for me to analyse what I feel has been the pinnacle of my perception of being: to declare my love to our Blue Planet. I’d like to thank all of the organisations who sponsored this project and all of the kind people who donated via Crowdfunder."
Fay Bailey, Shropshire Council’s museum service manager, said: "Nathalie’s work forms a truly stunning addition to the collections on display at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery. We are delighted to showcase the work of a talented local artist and to celebrate the legacy of Shropshire stained glass artist Margaret Rope."
People visiting the museum will be able to view the window from Saturday.
A publication of a collection of journals detailing the meaning behind the window’s design was sponsored by local web design agency, The Web Orchard.
Peter White at The Web Orchard, said: "We are very pleased to be able to support a local artist to embark and complete a project that will become a part of Shrewsbury’s story. The finished window really is beautiful, she has done a wonderful job."
Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery is owned and operated by Shropshire Council.