Shropshire Star

Networking event for Shropshire village hall teams

Shropshire village hall management teams are being invited to attend an event offering advice and sharing ideas on running, funding and filling their community spaces.


The Shropshire Village Halls Conference is being held at Ryton Village Hall, near Shrewsbury, and is taking place on October 19.

The event is being hosted by Shropshire Rural Communities Charity (RCC), which offers support and guidance to village hall management committees through its membership advisory service.

The day will include a mix of talks from expert speakers, a marketplace of exhibitors sharing their latest services and case studies from halls on how they run, fund and fill their spaces.


Julia Baron, chief executive of Shropshire RCC, said: “Village halls are run by local people in their free time and it can be a daunting task to make sure that all the legal requirements are met, the building is well looked-after and that it’s actually being used.

“We’re really excited to offer village halls and community buildings in the county the chance to come together and find out the latest information and services to make the task of looking after a hall that bit easier,” Ms Baron added.

Topics include an update on the latest funding opportunities, tips around governance management and how to utilise social media to promote events and encourage local people to take part.

Insurers and conference sponsors Allied Westminster will also be on-hand to share how best to mitigate claims and debunk some myths about what many consider to be the biggest risks.

There will also be a presentation by the team from host building Ryton Village Hall about their 2010 build – from fundraising to construction, including the installation of key eco features.

For further details on the event and to book tickets, go to