Shropshire Star

Care forum chief visits provider

Shropshire’s largest independent care home provider has hosted a visit from a key figure in the field of social care.

Coverage Care chief executive Chris Wall, executive director of the National Care Forum Vic Rayner and Coverage Care chairman Ian Gordon

Vic Rayner, the executive director of the National Care Forum (NCF), met the chairman of the board of Coverage Care Services Ian Gordon and its senior management team during a recent trip to the county.

The NCF is the industry body for not-for-profit organisations in the care and support sector. Vic is also chair of the government’s Strategic Advisory Forum on the social care workforce, co-chair of the National Social Care Advisory Group on social care and technology and sits on a range of government and national specialist groups.

Coverage Care Services is Shropshire’s largest independent care provider. It runs 14 homes all of which are rated either as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ in the national ranking system.

The company operates as a not-for-profit organisation, meaning any surplus income is ploughed back into its facilities, services and staff, rather than being paid to shareholders.

Coverage Care chief executive Chris Wall said: “Our discussions with the executive team focused on how we are developing Coverage Care’s services to meet the needs in Shropshire and learning about national focus areas.

“As with all care providers, we are facing many and varied pressures on our services and how we deliver them as we await essential fundamental legislation to overhaul social care to meet rising needs at a local and national level. It was very interesting to hear about the national picture and gain some additional understanding from Vic.

“The focus of our meeting with the chairman of the board was the importance of sector development and governance, something that is vital as we plan our long term strategy to continue providing excellent care as a sustainable business.”

Vic said: “I really valued the opportunity to visit the CEO, senior team and chair at Coverage Care. It is vital in my role to hear from skilled practitioners about how day-to-day care services are developing.

“This information provides me with vital insight to share across government and other stakeholders and ensures that everyone can learn from industry leaders like Coverage Care.”