Shropshire Star

Youth services views sought by Shropshire Council

An overhaul of youth support across Shropshire could be on the cards.

Last updated

A consultation has opened to review the existing support provided by Shropshire Council.

A task and finish group has been looking at the current youth provision.

A review is necessary as the arrangements currently in place are due to come to an end and the council needs to make decisions concerning how youth provision should be delivered in the future.

A national review was launched in July in to how local authorities should secure activities and services for young people.

With an increase in youth crime, exploitation and demand on Children’s Social Care, there is a growing focus nationally, on the work local authorities need to undertake to ensure the most vulnerable young people can access and receive the support they need.

The consultation runs until the end of the month and Shropshire Council wants to gather the views of local people, children and young people and local services and organisations.

The council says the information will help it shape the way youth support and activities are provided in future and prioritise spending on youth support.

The council says it hopes the outcome of the consultation will ensure qualified support workers are in place across the county, which will help the authority address emerging social issues and concerns such as youth violence, knife crime and county lines.

A council spokesman said: “Shropshire Council would like to propose a model of support to young people that would incorporate both universal, open access groups and more targeted support through outreach work.

“Detached youth work is a model of youth work practice, targeted at vulnerable young people, which takes place on young people’s own territory such as streets, cafes, parks and pubs at times that are appropriate to them and on their terms.”

Anyone wanting to take part can complete an online survey at

A proposal is expected to be presented to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet on December 11.