Walk around Shrewsbury to show pavement dangers for the disabled

New rules could soon be in force to make town pavements easier to navigate for people with mobility issues and visual impairments.


Business owners who put out things like A boards, outdoor seating and plant pots are being invited to join a walk around Shrewsbury town centre with wheelchair and mobility scooter users, guide dog owners and people who use white sticks.

It is hoped that the walk will help businesses evaluate how things such as the colour of their tables and chairs or the placement of their A boards can make a difference to the experience of people who have less ability to navigate obstacles.

Among those organising the walk is Councillor Gwen Burgess, who owns Darwin's cafe in Shoplatch, which has an outdoor seating area.

Councillor Burgess is part of a working group on Shropshire Council which is looking into the current policy on A boards with a view to updating it.

She hopes the walk will also attract representatives from other businesses who put out signs, bollards and other objects which could be unintentionally obstructing some pedestrians.


Councillor Burgess said: "We are inviting anyone with an interest in this to attend, and we anticipate a really good exchange of views.

"Some businesses don't put their A boards in the same place every day, and others end up blocking the street so wheelchairs and prams can't get through.

"There is a policy in place at the moment but it is a bit vague and isn't enforced properly. It's about time it was looked at.

"What we want is for as many business people to come along as possible, just for a chat and to get a different perspective.

"We will also be looking at things like roadworks signs, which are bright yellow on the front but grey on the back, so people with visibility problems can't see them very well."

To join the walk, meet in the Square at 11.15am on November 12.